Wanting vs Committing

There is a difference between wanting something and actually committing to it. Wanting something feels fairly safe, and perhaps, even a little noble. Committing to something is very different.

It feels different when you say the words, "I'll want to or I'll try." See how that feels when you...

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3 Reasons Why Executives Struggle to Lose Weight

You are a leader. 

You are intelligent, determined, hard working and successful.

So, why is so hard to lose the weight and keep it off?

We already know that the reason we are overweight is because we ate more than our body required. And, so it did what is supposed to and stored the...

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3 Steps to Managing Urges

An "urge" is a strong desire or impulse.

I wish I could tell you that losing weight or achieving any health goal can be accomplished without having to deal with impulses. But that would be a lie. The truth is that experiencing urges is not only part of the process, it is mandatory. It is...

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Lean Body, Smart Life!

It is published!

I am VERY EXCITED to be a part of the phenomenal book,  Lean Body, Smart Life 12 Fix Plan to a Leaner, Healthier, Happier Life!  After 30 years experience as a registered dietitian nutritionist, Judes identified 12 of the most important "fixes" to help...

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Cut these 2 Phrases for an Instant Confidence Boost

I have a very old book on my book shelf entitled, Your Body Believes Every Word You Sayby Barabara Levine. This book is crumpled and dog eared and has a few stains on it. I bought it  back in the 90's when I was still in the Army. I still have it because it was the first time I...

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Fear Is An Instruction Manual

While working with a teen client recently on confidence, we were discussing that even though fear doesn't feel "good" to us, it is absolutely necessary. This is a not an easy sell. In the midst of this, I discovered that Fear actually comes with an instruction manual. That's good news...

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You Are Not the Boss of Me

You are not the boss of me. That was one of my favorite lines as young, Traci Trouble. Since then, I have grown and matured and am now a much wiser Traci Trouble. So, now when I say it, I am generally not kicking the walls with the heels of my feet. Well, most of the time. I am totally loving...

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Choose Your It.

You've seen the Nike ad. Just Do It. Yeah, that's right, Just Do It!! I love that mantra. I even use my own version of it, "Bring It!" If you don't know what "it" is, just Google exercise, nutrition, fitness or diet and you will be deluged with ideas. Or maybe your neighbor or coworker is trying...

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"Sugar Scares Me" (Quote from Cancer Researcher)

I love this article from Authority Nutrition. I came across it when I googled "evaporated cane juice." I am trying out a "diet" with one of my clients to share the experience with her and broaden my own.

 I define a diet as intentional eating. So, even thought the word diet is taboo these...

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Healthy Podcasts!

I love podcasts!  They are free, informative and travel.

I am amazed at how many people are still unaware of this incredibly diverse and entertaining world that has some great information on health.)

Do not let the word podcast intimidate you. It's basically a radio show. We used to tune...

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