Living Life Exceptionally Well: A 40-Day Journey to Self-Leadership and Wellness

Introduction: A Season of Renewal for Everyone

In the Christian calendar, Lent is a period leading up to Easter, traditionally observed as a time for reflection, self-examination, and preparation. It commemorates the 40 days of fasting in the desert by Jesus Christ, embodying themes of sacrifice,...

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#1 Weight Loss Tip Ever


So, what do Sasquatch and the number one tip have to do with one another? They are both primal, obvious and big, and oh-so elusive. One of the simplest and most obvious ways to lose weight or to FUEL our bodies instead of just eating is to listen. It's to get quiet and listen within instead of...

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Three Ways to Make Your Day Instantly Brighter


We have about 60,000 thoughts a day—that's a lot! And those thoughts have an immense impact on our feelings. Sometimes, we aren't even aware we are thinking them. So, how do we begin to change them?

Well, we start with the ones we can actually hear. Pay attention to the constant running...

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Are You Really Controlling Your Emotions?


Have you ever been in a meeting where you are nodding your head calmly and taking notes but inside you are steaming? You might say you are controlling your emotions, but what you are really doing is controlling your actions. You aren't yelling or freaking out (even though you want to!). And of...

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Your Top 3 Emotions (And what to with them)


One of the most important things I have ever learned is that I am responsible (response-able) for my emotions. This goes against the classical view that emotions are hard-wired and are triggered by external events. There is a lot of conflicting science on emotions and you can spend a lot of time...

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The Mother of All Meta Skills


There is one meta-skill that trumps all others when it comes to leading yourself. Being able to master your mind and manage your emotions right in the middle of hectic situations is self-leadership. When you are able to do that, then you can better manage your actions,  your performance. And...

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Resolve to Fail (The Right Way)


Are you making a New Year's resolution? Some people are all in and others, not so much. Some are just tired of letting themselves down, others don't because they've got enough going on without the added pressure.

So, whether or not you have resolved to do anything this year, I'd like you to...

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Meditation for Leaders


I recorded this morning meditation as part of a daily practice for leaders who wanted to start the day with clarity and presence and to approach the day intentionally. This meditation is a ritual to practice daily in the morning to ground yourself in what is most important to you. Caution-it is...

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The Tool to Help You Shift from Ugh 🙄 to Yeah 😀 !!


As a leader, you are really good at finding out what is wrong and fixing it. Your mind is trained to strategize and streamline your next right actions to get the missing accomplished.

What if you could get through your challenges without putting yourself second and actually take care of...

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3 things you can do WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED! for a Healthier Thanksgiving (and year)!


You might be scrambling to get things done today or hanging out with thousands of other people at the airport. Today, the day before Thanksgiving can be a hectic one. But, with these tiny shifts in perspective, you can come out Monday morning feeling pretty good about the holiday feast.

Here are...

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