Living Life Exceptionally Well: A 40-Day Journey to Self-Leadership and Wellness

Introduction: A Season of Renewal for Everyone

In the Christian calendar, Lent is a period leading up to Easter, traditionally observed as a time for reflection, self-examination, and preparation. It commemorates the 40 days of fasting in the desert by Jesus Christ, embodying themes of sacrifice,...

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Resolve to Fail (The Right Way)


Are you making a New Year's resolution? Some people are all in and others, not so much. Some are just tired of letting themselves down, others don't because they've got enough going on without the added pressure.

So, whether or not you have resolved to do anything this year, I'd like you to...

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Thriving Through the Holidays!


Instead of telling a story about how stressful it is going to be over the holidays (or how bad the Cleveland weather is going to be!), we are going to plan, consciously, on having the most joyful and connected and fabulous holiday season ever!

The two main themes for THRIVING through the...

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