Willpower is NOT Limited!

At West Point, they ask cadets to choose the harder right over the easier wrong. The idea is that your choices as a leader align with what will have the greatest positive impact on the widest circle of influence. (For more about leadership, check out The West Point Way of Leadership by Col Larry Donnithorne.)

Leadership begins with self-leadership.

And one of the most critical aspects of self-leadership is self-care.

And what gets in the way of self-care?

Will-power. OR, more accurately.

The mistaken idea is that willpower is limited. It's not! Willpower is NOT limited!

That belief (or what I call be-LIE) can keep us from leveling up.

Willpower isn't limited.  You can actually create it ANY. TIME. YOU. WANT.

The process is simple.

But that doesn't mean it's easy.

Let me know if you are ready to start leading yourself. And then let's make it happen.



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